Venture Capital

See Also:
Every Business Has A Funding Source, Few Have A Lender
Don’t Tell Your Lender Everything
Due Diligence on Lenders
The Relationship With Your Lender
What Does A Lender Want To Know?

Venture Capital Definition

The Venture Capital definition is a funding source for start-up businesses or turnaround businesses. There is typically more risk associated with these types of investments, but high returns as well.

Venture Capital Meaning

The Venture Capital meaning is when a lender, usually a private equity group or high net worth individuals, provides financing for a new business, a business that needs cash for growth, or a company attempting to make a turnaround. Associated with these different business needs are the different stages of venture capital.

Seeding Stage

The first stage for the companies that are just starting up is known as the seeding stage.

Growth Stage

The next stage is the growth stage for those businesses that are not quite ready for an Initial Public Offering (IPO), but are in need of some financing to get them to that point. Often times venture capital firms provide the funding for these companies knowing that they are high risk. However, these lenders usually earn a high return as these companies go public. This is because the lenders receive large compensation in the form of equity in the company or a large cash settlement. If a company is in a turnaround stage this is the highest risk of venture capital.

Exit Stage

The exit strategy in this stage often go for a much higher cash option or equity stake than even the first and second stages of company development. This type of capital is often necessary because the companies in need of this financing are not large enough to obtain the capital from the markets in the quantity needed.
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venture capital, Venture Capital Definition, Venture Capital Meaning

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venture capital, Venture Capital Definition, Venture Capital Meaning

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