
See Also:
Balance Sheet Definition
Income Statement
Cash Flow Statement
10 Q
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) Fiscal Period

10 K Definition

What does 10 K mean? A 10K is an annual cumulative financial statement required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for all publicly traded companies. The 10-K filing deadline for financial data is always due 90 days after the end of the fiscal year of that company. The form 10-k is often more extensive and comprehensive than the 10Q which is the quarterly filing required by the SEC.

10-K Meaning

A 10-K form requires that a company provide the following:

The 10 K form should also disclose any major changes made since the last financial filing. These disclosures may include a change from one accounting method to another, or a discussion of a contingent liability such as an ongoing litigation. The SEC also requires that a company provide relevant financial data from the exact same filing time during the past year. This makes information readily comparable from one period to the next. As a result, investors can have a good picture or idea of where the company is heading.
10 k, 10 K Definition, 10-k meaning

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