Capital Budgeting Methods

Capital Budgeting Methods

Capital Budgeting Methods

“Most small to medium sized companies have no idea how to approach capital investments. They treat it as if it were an operating budget decision rather than a long-term, strategic decision that will impact their cash flow, efficiency of their daily operations, income statement, and taxable income for years to come. They need your help understanding the importance of and then making the right capital budgeting decisions.
Capital budgeting decisions relate to decisions on whether or not a client should invest in a long-term project, capital facilities and/or capital equipment/machinery. Capital budget decisions have a major effect on a firm’s operations for years to come, and the smaller a firm is, the greater the potential impact, since the investment being made could represent a substantial percent of the firm’s assets….”
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If you are building a capital budget, then click to access the Budgeting 101 Execution Plan. This execution plan includes principles, rules, and best practices for a successful budget. The SCFO Lab also includes 19+ more execution plans and so much more.
Capital Budgeting Methods

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