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Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE)

Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE)

See Also:
London Stock Exchange (LSE)
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
National Stock Exchange of India (NSE)
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)

Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE) Definition

The Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE) is the largest exchange in Germany and one of the largest in the world in terms of trading volume and market capitalization.

Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE) Explained

The FSE is one of the first stock exchanges of the world next to the exchanges established in London and Paris. It was not until 1949 that the FSE became internationally known and the largest of Germany after World War II. The FSE market has several indexes, but the most well known is the DAX. The DAX takes the top 30 German companies listed on the exchange and price weights them. The FSE has attempted to merge with the London Stock Exchange, but it still remains as a part of the Deutsche Börse group.
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