Debtor in Possession

Debtor in Possession

What is Debtor in Possession?

A debtor in possession, or DIP, is a company undergoing a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization. In Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the debtor remains in possession of its assets and continues normal business operations while reorganizing debt obligations and repayment plans. This is in contrast to a Chapter 7 liquidation, in which the debtor’s assets are sold to pay off debts and the bankrupt company ceases operations. In some cases, debtor-in-possession may refer to a legally appointed trustee, someone other than the actual company that is in bankruptcy, who oversees the assets during the reorganization.
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debtor in possession
See Also:
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Costs
Bankruptcy Courts
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Code
Bankruptcy Information
Secrets of Successful Out of Court Debt Restructures
Tips on How to Manage your Lawyer
Relationship With Your Lender

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