Bankruptcy Code

See Also:
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Costs
Bankruptcy Courts
Chapter 12 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy Information

Bankruptcy Code Definition

U.S. bankruptcy laws are stated in U.S. Code Title 11 also referred to as the Bankruptcy Code. The code consists of several chapters outlining different bankruptcy categories and procedures. Based on the debtor’s circumstances, the financially distressed debtor can file for bankruptcy under the appropriate chapter. Bankruptcies usually fall into one of two categories, either liquidation or reorganization. Furthermore, bankruptcy proceedings take place in Bankruptcy Courts.

Title 11 – Bankruptcy Code

The chapters of U.S. Code Title 11 include the following:

If you want more details regarding US Code Title 11, then go to:
Whether you are facing bankruptcy or are trying to sell, it important to get as much value as possible. If you are in that situation, then click here to download the Top 10 Destroyers of Value to maximize the value of your company as you reorganize or exit.
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