See Also:
Net Present Value versus Internal Rate of Return
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
Internal Rate of Return Method
Net Present Value Method
Free Cash Flow Analysis
Discounted Cash Flow vs IRR Explanation
A lot of people get confused about discounted cash flow vs IRR and its relation or difference to the net present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return (IRR). In fact, the internal rate of return and the net present value are a type of discounted cash flows analysis. Both the NPV and the IRR require taking estimated future payments from a project and discounting them into the Present Value (PV). The difference in short between the NPV and the IRR is that the NPV shows a project’s estimated return in monetary units and the internal rate of return reveals the percentage return needed to break even. In fact, the IRR is the return needed for the NPV to hit 0. Further analysis of the difference between the NPV vs IRR can be found in the article NPV vs IRR.
If you want tips on how to manage your cash flow, then click here. You can also access our 25 Ways to Improve Cash Flow whitepaper here.
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