Baby Bonds

See Also:
Coupon Rate Bond
Non-Investment Grade Bonds (Unsecured Debentures)
Par Value of a Bond
What is a Bond?
Yield to Maturity of a Bond

Baby Bonds Definition

The baby bonds definition is completely the same as a normal bond except for the fact that the face values are less than $1,000. They typically come in denominations of $500 or $25.

Baby Bonds Meaning

A baby bond has two special purposes. First, a baby bond are able to bring smaller investors into the market allowing companies to benefit from another source of cash. The second purpose is to provide funding for smaller companies who do not have access to the larger institutionalized markets.

Baby Bonds Example

Look at the following baby bonds example. Sarah has $600 that she would like to invest in debt instruments. However, the amount is not enough for her to invest in a bond with a $1,000 face value. She hears about baby bonds from a friend and decides to invest in one $500 face value bond and four $25 face value bonds. Both of them pay the same interest rate at 5%, semi-annually. This is much more beneficial to Sarah because she can get a higher interest rate through a baby bond than she can when she is investing in a certificate of deposit or savings account.
baby bonds, Baby Bonds Definition, Baby Bonds Example
baby bonds, Baby Bonds Definition, Baby Bonds Example

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