Marketing Your Company using WikiCFO

Marketing Your Company using WikiCFO

Getting Published in Today’s Environment

Getting published in newspapers, magazines and books is an effective way to market your company. Unfortunately, with newspaper circulation declining and the use of syndicated columnists, it is difficult to publish your company in your local newspaper. If you can get two articles a year published, you are way ahead of the crowd! To increase your odds of getting published you may hire a public relations consultant. They are well worth the money! Speaking of money, it will probably cost somewhere between $5,000 to $10,000 for their services.

Marketing Your Company using WikiCFO

In addition to your efforts to get published in the local newspaper, start marketing your company using WikiCFO to increase the frequency of your marketing efforts using published articles. Below are three ways to use your best practice idea to market to your client.

You can increase your ranking in the search engine results by increasing the number of other web sites pointing to your site. Search engines (Google) have proprietary algorithms to rand web sites in importance. There are two primary ways you can optimize your search engine results. The first way is through improving the text and key words in the context of your site. The other way is to increase the number of web site links pointing to your site. By writing best practice ideas you get a free link for a period of time to your site.

Email the Article to Your Client Base

Another way to market with WikiCFO is to email a link to your article to your list of email contacts. The easiest way to do this is through Microsoft Outlook. In your email, highlight the fact you were recently published in WikiCFO.
Steps involved:– set up a broadcast email in Outlook – open WikiCFO and log on to your article – copy and past the link from your web browser onto the body of the email in Outlook

Mail the Article to Your Customer Database

For a subset of your marketing list you should follow up with a printed copy of your article. In addition, you should include a note asking for their business or referral.
Marketing Your Company using WikiCFO

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