Profitability Index Method

Profitability Index Method

See Also:
Profitability Index Method Formula
Net Present Value Method
Net Present Value versus Internal Rate of Return
Time Value of Money
Adjusted Present Value (APV) Method of Valuation
Future Value

Profitability Index Definition

Profitability index method measures the present value of benefits for every dollar investment. In other words, it involves the ratio that is created by comparing the ratio of the present value of future cash flows from a project to the initial investment in the project. The Profitability Index Method is often times compared similarly to the Net Present Value Method for their close proximity. One should use caution when utilizing both the NPV and profitability index methods in tandem. Often times, it has been found that both methods can rank projects in a different way. One project could possibly be ranked number 1 for one of the methods while it ranks dead last in the other. Use digression when using both in tandem.


Profitability index is primarily used as a tool to rank projects. The higher the value of profitability index, the more attractiveness of a proposed project is. For a single project, profitability index value of 1 or greater is acceptable. If a project has profitability index (>1), then a company should perform the project. However if a project has profitability index (<1), a company should reject the project.

There is relationship between profitability index and net present value method. If profitability index >1, the NPV is positive. If profitability index <1, NPV is negative. The profitability index is a relative measure of an investment’s value while NPV is an absolute measure. The profitability index method can be a useful substitute for NPV method when presenting a project’s benefits per dollar of investment. It makes the most sense to look at the concept from a project-by-project basis. The profitability index gives a company the opportunity to determine whether a project should be pursued or not. If the profitability index is above one, then a company can execute and pursue the project. If the profitability index is below one, then the project should be scrapped for the detrimental cash flow problems
Download the free Pricing for Profit Inspection Guide to learn how to price profitably.
Profitability Index Method

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Profitability Index Method

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