Have an Audacious Vision! – Part I

Have an Audacious Vision! – Part I

Audaciousbold, daring, or fearless, especially in challenging assumptions or conventions.

As the New Year begins, we like to re-focus on our company’s mission and vision.  Recently, I came across the concept of “audacious vision”.  What does that mean?  Put simply, it’s more than a run-of-the-mill mission or vision statement.  It’s a vision that is bold, daring and fearless and it can be a powerful thing.  Here are a couple of observations about audacious vision…

Having an Audacious Vision

An audacious vision has the power to energize and inspire you and your team. 

CEOs, Presidents, Entrepreneurs, Board Members –

Write down your vision… Make it plain on paper.

This allows everyone in your organization to know the company’s direction and head down the same path.

One of our long-term clients sends out a memo once a month to the entire company reiterating the company’s vision.  The CEO goes to each department sharing the company’s progress while inquiring on his role in making them be as successful as possible.  Even though Strategic CFO acts as an outside consultant to the company, he makes sure we receive the memo so that we are all clear on the direction the company is going.

Great leaders rally people to a better future ~ Marcus Buckingham

An audacious vision has the power to unite and focus us.

CFOs and Controllers –

It is important to understand the vision of the CEO/President/Entrepreneur/Board Member.

As an employee on any level, you should ask about the vision. This will help you to maximize your purpose within the organization.

We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided ~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Come back next week for Part II to learn more about what an audacious vision can mean for you and your company!
In the meantime, download our three best tools to help you lead your company audaciously.
audacious vision

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