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Strategic CFO™ Lab
Members Only Access

Blue hexagon on a white background.
Hexagon outline shape illustration
Be a part of the select few who have private access to pre-developed, tested, and successful tools of the trade.

SCFO Lab is a collection of accounting and financial leadership tools, lessons, and resources that Strategic CFO™ Consultants have handcrafted throughout our past 25 years of providing business consultation services. These are the tools we ACTUALLY use with each and every client, and lessons we think all financial leaders need to learn.

For CFOs, Controllers, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, And Financial Leaders...

This is the opportunity for you to own Strategic CFO most valuable collection of tools, checklists, reports, “cheat sheets” and standard operating procedures that drive profits and cash flow… literally everything Strategic CFO™ uses to help Strategic CFO™ clients’ business grow profitably.

Strategic CFO™ monthly membership
$ 49
  • Two 30-minute Strategic CFO support sessions (per month!)
  • 20+ Execution Plans
  • Curated Tools and Whitepapers
  • Office Hours & Webinars
Strategic CFO™ Yearly Membership
$ 497
  • Two 30-minute Strategic CFO support sessions (per month!)
  • 20+ Execution Plans
  • Curated Tools and Whitepapers
  • Office Hours & Webinars
The 8 Steps Strategic CFO™ Takes To Improve Profits & Cash Flow

“The 90 Day Sprint” is an 8-step process Strategic CFO™ developed to help Financial Leaders learn to utilize the tools in SCFO Lab, and unlock major value in just 90 days. 

Professional man smiling during meeting at office desk.

In my 30+ years as an accountant, CFO and consultant I’ve helped many companies overcome challenges and increase their profits and cashflow. Along my journey I have found there are certain resources, tools and lessons every financial leader should have in their arsenal.

And thus, Strategic CFO Lab was born. Strategic CFO™ Lab is a collection of tools, reports, templates, lessons and resources on all things accounting and finance. Everything Strategic CFO uses with consulting clients, at your finger tips. It’s the ultimate CFO resource.

Do You Ever Feel Stuck In The Day-To-Day Of Your Company's Financials?

Don't worry! That's normal.

That’s certainly how I spent the first part of my career, and how many business owners and financial professionals run companies every day.  

But if you want to take your company (and career) to the next level and grow profitably, then the day-to-day where you exist now won’t be enough.  Don’t wait for the future… the time to start is NOW.

It wasn’t enough for me when I started my career as an accountant.  And it certainly wouldn’t be enough in my career as a trusted financial advisor to entrepreneurs.  

So what did it take me to get ahead of the numbers and become a financial leader?

Years. Years of experience.

The Strategic CFO™ Lab Members Area

By joining Strategic CFO™ Lab, you get access to our most valuable collection of tools, checklists, reports, cheatsheets, and standard operating procedures that drive profits and cash flow (including the 13-Week Cash Flow Forecast template).

Strategic CFO™ Lab will teach you:

You Will Also Have Access To:

Here are just a few of the tools waiting for you in Strategic CFO™ Lab:

Green spreadsheet icon on blue background.

Excel without formulas

Handle and analyze your data. Save time using Microsoft Excel.
From the administrative to the business analysis/data mining tasks for your organization. QuickRows offers solutions for your data parameterization without formulas in Excel. Click on the tutorial videos below to learn more.
Strategic CFO™ Flash Report Tool

The most popular tool among Strategic CFO Lab members and coaching participants. Strategic CFO™ Flash Report Tool enables you to react quickly, focus on what really matters, and lead your company towards a better financial future.

Strategic CFO™ Projections Tool

Strategic CFO™ Projections Tool enables you to use a dynamic cash flow projection to know how to make decisions with accurate numbers.

Strategic CFO™ Pricing Model

Strategic CFO™ Strategic Pricing Model enables you to easily determine the profitability of your company’s products & services down to the net income level.

Strategic CFO™ Cash Flow Tune-Up Tool

Strategic CFO™ Cash Flow Tune-Up Tool allows you to analyze the benefits of implementing cash flow improvement strategies in your company.

Strategic CFO™ Exit Strategy Checklist

Strategic CFO™ Exit Strategy Checklist enables you to start asking the right questions so that you can start to create and develop your exit strategy.

Strategic CFO™ Flux Analysis Tool

Strategic CFO™ Flux Analysis Tool enables you to identify areas of improvement using years of financial history in order to improve the profitability of your company.

Strategic CFO™ DSO Cash Cruncher

Strategic CFO™ DSO Cash Cruncher allows you to free up cash, grow quickly, pay down debt efficiently.

Strategic CFO™ SWOT Analysis Survey

Strategic CFO™ SWOT Analysis Survey combines the external analysis with the internal environmental factors to complete an expansive SWOT Analysis.

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