Make your career dreams a reality.

Accelerate your career with one-of-a-kind leadership workshops for the financial professional.

What to Expect at The Strategic CFO's Financial Leadership Workshop Series...

Get the professional perspective on your career path

Learn How to Add Value to Your Company

When you can employ specific strategies that make the company more valuable (on paper), the potential for increased respect, income, and advancement is enormous.

Become a President or CEO

More and more financial professionals are going further than the CFO position. We've seen this firsthand with several of our alumni. This path requires leadership development.

Get Actionable Leadership Coaching

Our workshops are specific, so you are expected to return to the next workshop with results.

People Love This... Now It’s Your Turn!

"I joined the workshops to grow into a CFO role. After gaining understanding of strategic pricing and productivity topics, knowing how to set KPIs, and managing a team with deadlines, I have been given more recognition and encouragement."
Mary Alice Alvarado
"The Strategic CFO helped me to refine the tools and skillset necessary to add value to my organization as the CFO. I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to find ways to increase profitability, maximize cash flows, and to become the financial leader of your company."
Scott Shackouls

Frequently Asked Questions

Smiling professional man with laptop in office setting.

Hey There!

I’m Dan Corredor, President of The Strategic CFO and your coach. I have a vision for CFOs of the future to be perceived as income-producers (rather than just overhead)… I’ve been a CFO to entrepreneurial companies for over 28 years. As a CPA by trade, I understand the struggle of finding ways to add value and gain respect as an accountant. Let’s get you from being viewed as “number-crunching overhead” to a “financial leader.”
Ready to connect?
(and find your DREAM career?!)
Let’s chat and take on the world together.
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