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Tag: wingman

Why the CEO Needs to Like Their Financial Leader

When The Strategic CFO was first founded in 1999, there was a lot of disregard for financial leaders and CFOs. If accountants could do their job, there was no need for a CFO. At least, that’s what many CEOs have thought. But we have been writing, consulting, and coaching those in leadership roles to lead

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Are you a Luddite?

Now that the furor over Brexit has simmered down and some of the excitement has worn off, it’s interesting to note the chatter about the root cause of the decision.  One of the theories put forward most loudly is that those in favor of leaving the EU were heavily represented by workers in the industrial

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CEOs Want a Wingman

As part of my research on leadership for our Coaching Workshops, I met with several Houston-area entrepreneurs to determine what a CEO wants in a CFO.  One of the last people I met with made a comment that I felt summed up all the things the CEOs were looking for.  He said he was basically looking for

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