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Tag: depression

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

See Also: Secondary Market Securities Act of 1933 New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Primary Market Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Explanation The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 deals with the regulation of secondary market transactions, or outstanding securities in the market (which can be traded on a daily basis). The Securities

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What is Deflation?

What is Deflation Definition? What is deflation? Deflation is the decline in the price for goods and services. It can also be referred to as the increase in the value of real money. In other words, it’s the value that the current currency will go up per unit of goods or services. Deflation Explained Deflation

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Economic Reset

I just returned from the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2009 in New Orleans. At the conference I heard Steve Ballmer discuss the direction of the economy over the next several years. He believes that the world economy is going through an “economic reset”. Economic Reset According to Ballmer ,the world economy becomes overheated every twenty-five

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