Smiling businesswoman extending hand for handshake.
Blue hexagon on a transparent background.


Blue hexagon on a white background.
Hexagon outline shape illustration
For $15 a month, Market your Profile to Hunderds of Companies

Welcome To Short|LYST!

Short|LYST is simply that… A shortlist of talented candidates that we would hire right now for ourselves! The Strategic CFO created Short|LYST due to the current environment and demand. Unemployment is at an all-time high due to the global pandemic and many have lost their job. Candidates are faced with the traditional outlets of posting resumes on countless online sites and getting a response. This is a black hole in most cases…

If you are in the market for your next position, why not get your profile and resume out to thousands of companies specifically looking for someone with your skillset?

Companies searching for candidates are faced with the challenge of finding quality resumes and many often need to hire more than one person therefore reluctant to pay for ‘search fees’ charged by recruiters and online platforms. Now we have one source that posts quality pre-screened resumes! Our webpage had over 6.75 million page views in 2019 and we continue to have millions of page views in 2020. We have been actively marketing ourselves for many years and have built up tens of thousands of connections. As an example, we have over 34,000 connections in our Linkedin Group alone!

So we thought...

Why not share our connections and our ability to reach tens of thousands of employers looking for qualified candidates across the United States?

The typical hiring process is no longer working… You spend hours and hours responding to job ads…uploading your resume… and what are the results? No feedback and no response over 90% of the time. Most online job searches are a black hole!

That’s exactly why we created Short|LYST.

What Are The Risks?

There are no risks with Short|LYST for Job Seekers. In fact, you have absolutely nothing to lose except the opportunity for thousands of employers to view your profile.

What Are The Benefits?

There are so many benefits when you become a part of Short|LYST for job seekers. Instead of applying for dozens of open positions, you apply once and you get calls from the potential employers. We have worked with companies all around the world and are seen as a trusted source of information. In addition, you have already been interviewed, vetted, and recommended for hire as an added benefit by a reputable, 20-year old company.

Join our Short|LYST membership platform
Only $15 a month (if you are not happy… feel free to cancel at any time)… click the button below to join Short|LYST and become apart of the hiring revolution.

Benefits of becoming a Short|LYST member for Job Seekers

No longer do you have to wait months to get a call from employers! This is an easy process that is revolutionizing the hiring process for job seekers, like yourself. If we like you and recommend you for hire, then your profile is uploaded to Short|LYST for Employers to download. It could be a short time period before you get your first call from a potential company!

Benefits of Short|LYST for Employers

Have any questions or concerns? Reach out to us at [email protected].

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