Cash Flow Tune-Up Tool
Improve Cash Flow With Our Cash Flow Tune-Up Tool
Cash is KING. That’s why it is so important to continually improve cash flow in your business. Strategic CFO™ Cash Flow Tune-Up Tool allows you to analyze the benefits of implementing cash flow improvement strategies in your company.
Apply promo code First Month 1 at checkout.

- Cash Flow Tune-Up Tool Template
- Example A - Paying Payables immediately / promptly (0 Days Payable Outstanding) no cash is freed up
- Example of Strategic Pricing Model
- Example B - Paying Payables on 30 Days payment Terms (30 Days Payable Outstanding)
- Example C - Reducing Days Sales Outstanding from 60 to 53, Days Inventory Outstanding from 75 to 45 and Increasing Days Payables Outstanding from 0 to 37
Quantify Cash Flow Impact
Identify Areas To Optimize
Get Your Team Focused
Develop a plan and execute. You’ll get others on board since you’ve calculated the benefit already. Streamline your cash flow. Keep track of change over time through financial reporting and review your results for future action.
Limited Time Offer & Discount
Why put off uncovering cash that’s available in your current business operation?
Strategic CFO™ Cash Flow Tune-Up Tool allows you to analyze the benefits of implementing cash flow improvement strategies in your company.
Then become a SCFO Lab member AND access ALL Strategic CFO™ executions plans PLUS the private community, complimentary live consulting, and so much more... For only $49.70 per month.