Woman working on spreadsheet on computer in office.

Sales Genie

Project Sales Accurately And In A Meaningful Way With Our Sales Genie Tool

The reason most income statement projections fail is because of a lack of ability to accurately project sales!

This changes that.

Strategic CFO™ Sales Genie Tool’s purpose is to project sales in a meaningful way.

It allows you to prevent overshooting sales projections in your company.

Try your first month of SCFO Lab for $1.00
Apply promo code FirstMonth1 at checkout.
Blue hexagon on a transparent background.
Blue hexagon on a white background.
Hexagon outline shape illustration
Sales Genie Tool digital analytics on computer screens
What The Sales Genie Tool Includes:
Excel Spreadsheet
Sales Genie Guide

PLUS an opportunity to join our exclusive SCFO Lab – the premier financial leadership training platform with over 20 execution plans just like this Sales Genie.

Improve Projections In 3 Simple Steps

Increase Accuracy

Read through Strategic CFO “Goldilocks Sales Method” and identify the methods that are most viable for your company’s needs.

After inputting your company’s key data into the Sales Genie Tool, you can plug-in various scenarios and see the sales projections from initiating those changes…

Ultimately increasing the accuracy of your sales forecast.

Improve Credibility

Use the Sales Genie Tool to calculate the potential benefit of employing these strategies to determine which you should implement.

Once you’ve plugged in various scenarios, you’re able to determine which sales projections are realistic and attainable. Provide documentation and thought behind projections vs. pulling a sales forecast “out of thin air”.


The template will provide you with a tool to engage your sales team and also serving as an accountability mechanism.

Implementing change in your company might start with you, but you’ll more than likely need the buy-in from others in your company.

With the data you’ll have from the Sales Genie Tool, you’ll be able to easily communicate the value in any changes. Develop a plan and execute. ​Keep track of change over time through financial reporting and review your results for future action.

“Strategic CFO™ course has given me real-life applicable tools that we now use in our day-to-day operations and help us manage our business…”

Maxx Burrows
President (Former CFO) at Bludworth Marine
Why Wait? Buy Now!

Limited Time Offer & Discount

Why put off accurately projecting your company’s sales? Strategic CFO™ Sales Genie Tool allows you to prevent overshooting sales projections in your company.

Get the Sales Genie
$ 49
  • Only available to SCFO Lab Members
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Then become a SCFO Lab member AND access ALL Strategic CFO™ executions plans PLUS the private community, complimentary live consulting, and so much more... For only $49.70 per month.

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