Do you have significant correspondence and reports filed by the Company with regulatory authorities?
Do you have a schedule of all material governmental permits, licenses, concessions, registrations, etc. relating to the Company, together with copies of same?
Do you have all regulatory reporting matters with submission schedule?
Do you have a summary of material administrative actions, investigations or other proceedings relating to labor matters?
Do you have all reports of environmental consultants, environmental audits or assessments or inspections, environmental impact studies or other reports relating to environmental matters with respect to the property currently or formerly owned, operated or leased by the Company and any related plans for management of hazardous materials and wastes?
Do you have records of any spills, releases or disposal activities or events in, on or about the Facilities and relating to hazardous materials or substances, and actions taken to address them, including reports of any sampling of external or indoor air, soil or groundwater?
Do you have a summary of material administrative actions, investigations or other proceedings relating to the protection of human health or the environment and documents relating to any material noncompliance by, or the liability of, the Company relating to protection of human health or the environment?
Do you have copies of any notices of noncompliance issues by regulatory bodies?